The goal of Medical massage is the specific treatment targeted to a diagnosis of a specific problem(s) the patient presents with. A clinical massage or therapeutic massage begins with an assessment and evaluation by the massage therapist as the basis for treatment.

There is no one technique that is medical massage. Techniques studied post graduation through Continuing Education and Certification Programs help  the massage therapist to achieve decreased pain, increased movement and improved posture and performance.  A firm knowledge of anatomy, physiology and kinesiology are a must to be able to test and stretch muscles to reach the client's desired outcome.

Often patients are referred to therapists at Mantra Massage and BodywoRx  by Physicians, Orthopedic Doctors, Neurologists, Rheumatoid Specialists, Physical Therapists and Chiropractors.

We practice medical techniques such as trigger point, myofascial, neuromuscular and orthopedic massage.

The term medical massage came from the public’s need for highly skilled, hands-on therapists treating those patients with injuries and chronic pain and the growth of research by medical professionals that illustrate the benefit of massage to  injury rehabilitation.

Medical massage is useful in addressing conditions such as:
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Piriformis syndrome
Rotator cuff injuries
Pain associated with bulged or injured spinal disks (medical massage cannot ‘fix’ the disk, but can help alleviate much of the pain associated with the injury).
Pain associated with pregnancy
Range of motion issues
Back and Neck pain
Plantar fasciitis and other foot pain
Repetitive use injuries such as Tennis elbow & Golfer’s elbow
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (numbness/tingling in hands/arms)
Pain associated with restricted fascia
Pain associated with postural imbalances
Muscle cramps
Restless Legs Syndrome
Sports/Exercise injuries
Work Injuries
Auto Injuries
Edema (swelling)
Injuries sustained in traumas such as falls or automobile accidents
