
Quality products - the choice of professionals - available to you.

Personal care products are available from many sources, but the best quality products are those carried at professional establishments like ours. Don't be fooled by imitations and imposters. To ensure you receive a consistent, exceptional quality product, be sure to purchase your goods from authorized salon professionals. Experience the difference by using the fine products we use everyday and make available for purchase by our clients. we can recommend just the right product to meet your needs.

Brands List

Brocato Logo


 Sam Brocato, believes that knowledge is the key to everyday beauty. "Hair truly can be emblematic of who we are - it is a representation of our personality and our life", says Sam. "When a stylist can bring this out, it creates an instant connection with the client." Brocato is instilled with Sam's knowledge about the needs of hairstylists and clients alike, and passion for creative design and product performance. All combined, affording the consumer every opportunity to look just as great as they did when they were in the stylist's chair. Along with his wife and two young sons, Sam recently moved to New York, where he continues his commitment to the business of beauty.

L'Oreal Logo


 L’Oreal is one of the largest franchises in the beauty industry. Their great passion for beauty is what has allowed them to create all of their high quality, useful products.

Retrohair Logo


All logos appearing on this page are trademarked (™), restricted (®) and/or copyrighted (©), and are the exclusive property of their respective owners. The inclusion of these logos in no way implies any official endorsement by the companies represented.