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  • Phyllis Bailey


     My guilty pleasure: Ice cream

    I cannot live without: God's love and faithfulness. I am blessed because of Jesus and Amazing Grace

    To me, living beautifully means:  Enjoying each and every day on this earth.  To be kind and love people


    Paul Mitchell products I cannot live without: Tea Tree Lemon Sage Thickening Spray and Super Strong Hairspray

    My favorite era of style:  Roaring 20's  What a time to have lived, think it would have been fun

    My favorite part of being a Gossip family member is: The compassion and love I see in each person, watching them blossom into fantastic amazing people.

    If I'm not at Gossip, you can find me:  Home with my husband and dogs

    My favorite song is:  Same Power by Jeremy Camp

    One day, I would love to: Go to New York for the Macy Thanksgiving Day parade with my family


    I am the voice you hear on the other end of the phone occasionally.  I am here to make you feel like a guest in our salon and help you book your reservation with your preferred stylist. 

    If there's a question I can't answer I will gladly find the answer and get back to you. 

    I look forward to helping you with all your booking needs.

     The most important things in my life are family which includes my husband, 3 beautiful daughters, 5 grandchildren as well as 2 wonderful son-in-laws.

     We have 3 Chihuahua's.
    My E-Mail: gossip26@comcast.net