New Attitude Salon & Wellness Spa
315-896-6112 8022 State Route 12 Barneveld, NY 13304

Business Hours
Monday:ClosedTuesday:10:00AM to 6:30PM
Wednesday:10:00AM to 6:30PM
Thursday:10:00AM to 6:30PM
Friday:9:00AM to 4:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM to 1:00PM
Do you need some additional information?
Please call or email if you have any questions about our products or services.
You can contact us via email at
You can also contact us via phone or by stopping in:
Barneveld, NY (Only 15 minutes North of Utica!)
8022 State Route 12
Barneveld, New York 13304
Walk-In's Welcome!
We look forward to hearing form you!