If better is possible, good is not enough!


Contact Jodi directly for custom made certificates 

(970) 275-3245



Block Therapy





What’s Included With Your Block Purchase:

Hello friend,
I am delighted to share what comes with the purchase of your Block Buddy. You receive your login to Block Therapy Central where your Block Therapy Starter Program is located.

The Block Therapy Starter Package
1. Introductory & Explanatory Videos - This section welcomes you and gets you started with the fundamentals and rules of Block Therapy.

• How to use your Block safely
• Fascia Education
• The Healing Crises Explain
• How to deal with a Rib Release

2. 9 Day Full Body Fascia Program - This 9 day introductory program is an ideal start to your
Block Therapy practice.

We share 9 different classes targeting the entire body.
Day 1: 20 Minute Core Class Day 4: 20 Minute Lower Body Class Day 7: 20 Minute Upper Body Class
Day 2: 40 Minute Core Class Day 5: 40 Minute Lower Body Class Day 8: 40 Minute Upper Body Class
Day 3: Extended Core Class Day 6: Extended Lower Body Class Day 9: Extended Upper Body Class

3. Introductory Positions & Descriptions - This section shares pictures and descriptions of all the
positions in the extended classes. This is a great way to do specific positions targeting whichever
area of your body. Many people like to create their own program based on their needs and desires.
• 19 Core Class Positions & Descriptions
• 19 Pelvis & Legs Class Positions & Descriptions
• 19 Head, Neck & Arms Class Positions & Descriptions


4. 14 Day Block Therapy Membership Trial - When you have completed your 9 Day Full Body Fascia Program, you can then start your 14 Day Block Therapy Membership Trial. This is the library of all of Block Therapy’s content organized so you can follow classes and programs to continually deepen and improve your Block Therapy practice. I highly recommend that you start off by following the Block Therapy Starter Program lesson by lesson. This will teach you the fundamentals of Block Therapy and teach you the basics to release the fascia throughout your entire body. Make it a goal to complete the 9 Day Full Body Fascia Program day-by-day. You will see incredible results! Take notes and before photos so you can see the changes
you make with your Block Therapy journey. Joining the Block Therapy Membership will be your next step to open the library of all classes and programs.

I’m so happy you have joined our community of Blockers. If you haven’t already, post in our Block Therapy Community group located on Facebook and start the conversation! You can connect with people all around the world and build great relationships.

Clik on the links below to learn more about:

Happy Blocking!

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Service Policy


Scheduling is by appointment only.  To ensure your preferred time, please book in advance.  Walk-ins are not permitted.


Early Arrival:

Please plan to arrive 10 minutes early for massage and foot zone treatments and 15-20 minutes early for skin care services. This allows time to complete or update any necessary paperwork.


Cancellation Policy:

At Advanced Wellness your appointment is very important to me. I understand that from time-to-time appointments may need to be rescheduled or cancelled. In consideration of my time and for my other clients, please notify me of a minimum of 24 hours in advance to avoid a 50% charge.


When Should I Cancel My Appointment?

What are the protocols for when to cancel an appointment? 
These are symptoms you should stay home with:

Fever and related symptoms
• Aches
• Chills
• Unusual fatigue

Respiratory issues
• Coughing
• Sneezing
• Sore throat
• Very runny and/or stuffy sinuses

GI issues
• Diarrhea
• Nausea
• Vomiting

If you are visited with any of these symptoms, it’s best to cancel. With cold or sinus issues (even if you are no longer contagious), if you are still deeply congested, lying face-down in the face cradle might make you even more miserable. Reschedule your appointment and give yourself a chance to feel better. I will thank you for it.



Please be on time for your appointment. Should you arrive late for your service, you will be deprived of valuable treatment time and the full cost of the service will still apply. I will wait 15 minutes (and try to reach you) before I consider you a no-show (see below).



Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a no-show. You will incur 100% charge for all reserved services and future service will be denied until payment is made. If I fail to show up for a scheduled appointment, I will credit the full appointment fee towards your next appointment.



Payment is due when services are rendered. Cash, checks, credit/debit cards with an additional 2.5% service fee and gift certificates are accepted forms of payment.



Showing your appreciation for the quality of the services provided customarily averages between 15-25% of the treatment price, but I always respect your tipping decisions. You may tip by credit card, check, or cash. Gift certificates do not include a gratuity unless otherwise specified.



Please call Jodi at (970) 275-3245 or email jodivaine@outlook.com if you have any questions. 

Thank you.